Food waste collections

Due to operational issues, we have had to reschedule food waste collections for parts of Springfield on Friday 26 April 2024. We will now make the collections on Saturday 27 April 2024. You can view a list of affected roads. We apologise for any inconvenience.

You need to put your bins, boxes and sacks on your property boundary by 7am on the morning of your collection day.

If you live: 

We will not collect your recycling and rubbish if you have:

  • used the wrong bin, box or sack for your items
  • overfilled your bin, and the lid does not fully close
  • put out black sacks to the side of your bin (side waste)

The only items we will collect outside of a bin, box or sack are:

  • clothes and paired shoes, if you put them out with your green recycling box in a tied carrier bag
  • small waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), if you put it in or beside your green recycling box
  • extra plastics, paper and card, if you put them out in separate clear bags on your normal collection day

If you have a large item that will not fit in your bin, you can request a large item collection.

If you find it difficult to put your bins, bags and boxes out, you can request an assisted collection.

You can view or download our recycling and waste collection policy for more details.

You can also report bins on a highway.

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You can report issues with the website using our website feedback form, which will go directly to the Web Team. This team will be unable to deal with your enquiry if it is not related to the website.