We are reviewing our adopted Local Plan, and so are consulting on the
Pre-Submission stage now. The consultation closes at 4pm on Tuesday 18 March 2025.
Join our self build and custom build register
If you are interested in a self build or custom build home, you can join our register.
We provide information about available plots and opportunities to the people on our register, which is made up of two parts.
Part 1 of the Register is made up of applicants who meet the eligibility criteria:
- for age, nationality and desire for a plot
- that is set out in the adopted Locality Test
We will offer plots on Strategic Sites to people on Part 1 first.
Part 2 of the Register is made up of applicants who:
- meet the eligibility criteria in relation to age, nationality and desire for a plot;
- do not meet the criteria set out in the adopted Locality Test
To join Part 2, you need to be:
- aged 18 or over
- a British citizen, a national of an EEA state, or a national of Switzerland; and
- looking to buy a serviced plot of land in Chelmsford City Council’s area to build a house to live in as your main residence
To join Part 1, you need to meet the criteria listed above, and also be able to show that you:
- live or work within the Chelmsford administrative area, or
- are a key worker, or
- are/were in the service of the regular armed forces of the Crown
The kind of evidence you need to provide to join Part 2 includes:
- driving licence
- passport
- birth certificate
- EEA National Identity Card
The kind of evidence you need to provide to join Part 1 includes:
- driving licence
- rent books or rental contract
- landlord references
- utility bill
- Council Tax bill
- bank statement
If you work in Chelmsford, are a key worker or are/were in the service of the regular armed forces of the Crown, you will need to provide:
- employment contract
- ID/warrant card
- payslip
- letter from your employer
- Armed Forces ID card
To join the register, you will need to provide:
- your name, address and contact details
- when you are hoping to start your project
- where in the Chelmsford area you want to build
- why you want to build your own home
- details about the people in your household
- the number of bedrooms your home would include, and the type of property it would be
- your preferred tenure for your home
- your average yearly household income
- your current level of savings
- the relevant evidence
Once we receive your application, we validate it and if we approve it, we will add you to our register within 28 days.
You can also contact us if you want us to remove you from the register.
Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015
This government act requires us to maintain the register for those interested in building their own homes.
It also requires us to grant enough planning permissions to meet the demand that the register has identified. Our Local Plan includes a policy about the provision of self and custom build housing.
How we use information from the self-build and custom housebuilding register
We summarise the information on the self build register within our Self-Build and Custom Build Planning Advice Note, which we update annually.
You need to think about this Planning Advice Note if you are a developer or a group looking to deliver several self-build or custom build plots. This is to inform the type and mix of self-build and custom build housing you are providing.