Information for teachers
Information for your visit to Chelmsford Museum
If you are bringing a class for one of our learning sessions you can plan your visit with our handy downloads.
You can also download risk assessments, both for the Museum itself and for the individual sessions.
We have developed interactive PowerPoints for sessions at Chelmsford Museum. They contain before and after visit activities, which will help your pupils gain the most from their visit and embed learning back into your classroom work.
We have designed our sessions to cater for a wide range of abilities and learning styles. Museum tutors who are highly experienced working with pupils of all abilities lead the sessions.
You should talk to us about your group and pupils with additional needs. That is so we can tailor the session and activities to ensure that everyone is able to participate fully and enjoy the visit. Check details of any pupil's additional needs are correct on the booking confirmation form.
The Museum is fully wheelchair accessible and has a large accessible toilet. To give your pupils an idea of what to expect before they visit, you can download our Visual Journey through Chelmsford Museum and view the Chelmsford Museum access film, created by students from Thriftwood School.
Group supervision
The behaviour of pupils remains the responsibility of the school or organisation at all times during your visit. There is no limit on adult helpers, so bring sufficient people to supervise and support pupils when they are working in small groups. We strongly advise the following adult to child ratios:
- one adult to every four children (under 5’s, Nurseries, pre-school, EYFS)
- one adult to every six children (years 1 and 2, rainbows and beavers)
- one adult to every eight children (years 3, 4, 5 and 6, brownies and cubs)
- one adult to every 10 children (years 7 to 11, scouts and guides)
We encourage adults with the group to be actively involved in session by asking children questions and listening to their ideas. You can assure your parent helpers they do not need to know the topic.
First aid
We require your school to provide a designated first aider to accompany the trip and be the first point of call as you have the health information sheets for each of your children. There are first aid boxes in the Museum and always a first aider on site who will provide additional support as required.
Using iPads
In some sessions, children will use museum iPads when investigating the galleries to gather ‘evidence’. We will email this to your school to support post-visit learning. The iPads have stringent security restrictions enabled to minimise any chance of children taking photos and forwarded inappropriately or posted on social media.

Our shop has a good range of ‘pocket money’ souvenirs.
Let us know if your group would like to use the shop during their visit and we can timetable this in. Most children bring between £3 and £5 to spend.

History Hackers booklets
Our History Hackers goody bags are only £1.50.
With stationary, stickers and a special History Hacker trail booklet, these goody bags provide a great souvenir and a fun reason for a return visit to the museum.