Monitoring CIL

You can download our Allocating and Spending CIL document, which sets out how we decide to spend CIL.

Since 2019-20, we have to show how we spent CIL and S106 planning contributions in an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement:

Before that, we published annual monitoring reports, to show how we spent CIL.

Strategic CIL

We spend the majority of CIL money on infrastructure projects such as roads, schools and community facilities. 

Greener Chelmsford Grant

This initiative has a total of £100,000 available from the neighbourhood CIL allocation for ecological and green funding.

We allocate 15% of CIL for spending in local neighbourhoods. This neighbourhood allocation helps to address the demands of development locally.

If development takes place within a parish, we will give 15% of CIL funding to the parish or town council.

The government has capped the amount of CIL money a parish or town council can receive in a year. This is known as the Neighbourhood Cap and is based on the number of homes in that area. 

In some cases, a parish or town council could be due more money than the cap allows. If this happens, we invite parish councils and neighbourhood groups near the development that generated the CIL to propose how it is spent. You can download our Neighbourhood Cap report, which sets out this process in detail.

In the nine unparished wards, we are responsible for spending the 15% neighbourhood CIL. 

Search database of CIL-funded projects

Gallery of CIL-funded projects

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