Register of interests for parish-tier councillor
All parish councillors have to declare information about their financial interests, including:
- their employer
- any businesses they are involved in
- any directorships
- contracts between them or their firm and us
- any interest they have in land in the area
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- Chelmsford Library
- South Woodham Ferrers Library
Boreham Parish councillors
Councillor Bugbee, N
Councillor Crick, D
Councillor Dickson, G
Councillor Elkington, P
Councillor Elson, G
Councillor Leach, A
Councillor Miller, L
Councillor Mills, T
Councillor Powell, M
Councillor Reed, L
Councillor Scott, G
Councillor Stammers, E
Councillor Stocks, D
Councillor Trott, S
Broomfield Parish councillors
Councillor Barnes, J
Councillor Blake, J
Councillor Bleet, M
Councillor Boreham, S
Councillor Bowman, J
Councillor Faulds, A
Councillor Howell, D
Councillor Odelana, A
Councillor Perera Morris, S
Councillor Taylor, C
Councillor Thomson, A
Councillor Travis, P
Chelmer Village Parish councillors
Councillor Bryne Lagrue, S
Councillor Chong, A
Councillor Schultz, E
Councillor King, S
Councillor Lumley, D
Councillor Nnadi, E
Councillor Spence, Y
Councillor Stringer, R
Councillor Sulivan, S
Councillor Walker, G
Councillor Coleing, P
Chelmsford Garden Community councillors
Councillor Alderman, J
Councillor Drew Smith, D
Councillor Driver, C
Councillor Golla, K
Councillor Jeapes, B
Councillor Jeffreys, D
Councillor Shah, N
Councillor Stopher, J
Councillor Udoh, T
Councillor Wakeling, R
Councillor Williamson, M
Councillor Wright, A
Councillor Tron, C
Chignall Parish councillors
Councillor Ballard, L
Councillor Elwick, D
Councillor Lewis, E
Councillor Nelson, L
Councillor Stainton, R
Councillor Towns, M
East Hanningfield Parish councillors
Councillor Bedding, J
Councillor Darrah, G
Councillor Gard, M
Councillor Garner, P
Councillor Priest, M
Councillor Roberts, L
Councillor Thomas, M
Galleywood Parish councillors
Councillor Bonnett, G
Councillor Mcquiggan, A
Councillor Paul, N
Councillor Potter, J
Councillor Shreeve, C
Councillor Smith, G
Councillor Troop, S
Councillor Turkentine, J
Councillor Woolward, W
Good Easter Parish councillors
Councillor Balin, L
Councillor Glass, T
Councillor Johnston, M
Councillor Leng, T
Councillor Seeley, G
Councillor Stephenson, M
Councillor West, P
Great and Little Leighs Parish councillors
Councillor Barker, K
Councillor Partridge, G
Councillor Partridge, J
Councillor Raven, J
Councillor Thurlow, J
Councillor Young, B
Great Baddow Parish councillors
Councillor Cordeiro, M
Councillor Franks, K
Councillor Ingham, J
Councillor Kilvington, B
Councillor Leggett, W
Councillor Liley, K
Councillor Ronaldson, K
Councillor Sadowsky, P
Councillor Sadowsky, V
Councillor Shaw, C
Councillor Sosin, A
Councillor Sosin, J
Councillor Tully, D
Councillor Young, S
Highwood Parish councillors
Councillor Horsnell, T
Councillor Latham, P
Councillor Maclean, S
Councillor Maher, U
Councillor Pearmain, K L
Little Baddow Parish councillors
Councillor Galea, C
Councillor Ginn, D
Councillor Hilton, J
Councillor Irvine, P
Councillor Roche, A
Councillor Scott, S
Councillor Scott, SP
Councillor Sheldrake, K
Councillor Teal, B
Little Waltham Parish councillors
Councillor Allen, R
Councillor Burrow, J
Councillor Cunningham, E
Councillor Godfrey, E
Councillor Kingham, A
Councillor Tinson, R
Councillor Watson, R
Margaretting Parish councillors
Councillor Blurton, H
Councillor Paoli-Burke, T
Councillor Quilter, C
Councillor Smith, D
Councillor Upton, S
Councillor Wallace, A
Pleshey Parish councillors
Councillor Groves, L
Councillor Gunn, L
Councillor Holland, K
Councillor Howeson, G
Councillor Kenning, D
Councillor Somerville, W
Councillor Loudfoot, D
Rettendon Parish councillors
Councillor Dale Evans, H
Councillor Francombe, D
Councillor Hart, R
Councillor Knight, J
Councillor Marshall, K
Councillor Parsad, J
Councillor Phillips, W
Councillor Williams, J
Councillor Wright, B
Sandon Parish councillors
Councillor Calmeyer, C
Councillor Chaplin, D
Councillor Colbeck, J
Councillor Cross, M
Councillor Kalbfell, A
Councillor Lyons, C
Councillor Nicholls, G
South Hanningfield Parish councillors
Councillor Black, K
Councillor Burgess, R
Councillor Coveley, T
Councillor Elms, D
Councillor Graves, S
Councillor Huntington, P
Councillor Lewis, H
Councillor Metcalfe, C
Councillor Thurgood, P
Councillor Vallis, C
Councillor Walker, S
Councillor Whitehead, R
South Woodham Ferrers Town Council councillors
Councillor Bentley, K
Councillor Birch, J
Councillor Crosbie, R
Councillor Eley, D
Councillor Ferry, P
Councillor Humphrey, A
Councillor John, A
Councillor Kelly, L
Councillor Massey, R
Councillor Naslund, D
Councillor O'Brien, M
Councillor Perham Lake, T
Councillor Piesse, G
Councillor Roberts, I
Councillor Shearring, A
Councillor Sherlock, T
Councillor Sismey, M
Councillor Thompson, D
Councillor Wilson, S
Councillor Price, P
Springfield Parish councillors
Councillor Aluko, E
Councillor Brazendale, G
Councillor Carson, R
Councillor Chadwick, B
Councillor Chong, A
Councillor Dudley, N
Councillor Fuller, I
Councillor Havell, D
Councillor Hine, K
Councillor Lagrue, S
Councillor Lee, R
Councillor Pioli, J
Councillor Sullivan, S
West Hanningfield Parish councillors
Councillor Alexander, T
Councillor Brand, P
Councillor Darg, L
Councillor Galley, P
Councillor Jones, K
Councillor Scanes, P
Woodham Ferrers and Bicknacre Parish councillors
Councillor Blackshaw, G
Councillor Mair, A
Councillor Poulter, R
Councillor Pumfrett, A
Councillor Robins, J
Councillor Sharman, J
Councillor Shay, M
Councillor Walton, P
Councillor Webster, R
Writtle Parish councillors
Councillor Bray, R
Councillor Cracknell, P
Councillor Denham, J
Councillor Dobbs, G
Councillor Emery, S
Councillor Evans, M
Councillor Kinloch, T
Councillor Massey, E
Councillor Massey, S
Councillor Milligan, J
Councillor Nicholls, I
Councillor Schmid, R
Councillor Sidney, R
Councillor Sloman, C
Councillor Swan, H