We spend around £40m annually with third parties to help us deliver our services.

This spend includes:

  • longer-term contractual spend
  • one-off capital purchases
  • day-to-day service spend

We must make sure that we follow current procurement regulation when we source these goods, services and works. We also have to achieve value for money, whilst still contributing to the aims of the council as a whole.

Our procurement strategy underpins all sourcing processes, allowing them to directly contribute to the ambitions of Our Chelmsford, Our Plan.

We recognise that commissioning and procurement activities have a significant impact on Chelmsford’s economy, community and environment. 

The strategy also supports:

  • the actions we identified as a result of the Climate and Ecological Emergency, which we declared in 2019
  • the commitments of the Modern Slavery Charter which we signed in 2020


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