Licensing Committee (28 March 2024)
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This meeting is being held remotely. You can email if you would like us to send you a link so you can watch.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declaration of Interests
All Members are reminded that they must disclose any interests they know they have in items of business on the meeting’s agenda and that they must do so at this point on the agenda or as soon as they become aware of the interest. If the interest is a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they are also obliged to notify the Monitoring Officer within 28 days of the meeting.
3. Minutes
To consider the minutes of the meetings on 18th and 20th March 2024.
4. Licensing Act 2003 – Three Temporary Event Notices: Wheelers Farm, Wheelers Hill, Little Waltham, Chelmsford, CM3 3LZ
Cllrs invited to attend the hearing - Cllrs Lee, Davidson, Frascona and Rajesh