Planning Committee (June 2021)
You can view the:
- agenda pack for this meeting
- minutes of this meeting
- green sheet of amendments and alterations
- live broadcast and recording of this meeting
1. Chair's Announcements
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Declaration of Interest
4. Minutes
Meeting on 4 May 2021
5. Public Questions
Any member of the public may ask a question or make a statement at this point in the meeting. Each person has two minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes is allotted to public questions/statements, which must be about matters for which the Cabinet is responsible.
The Chair may disallow a question if it is offensive, substantially the same as another question or requires disclosure of exempt or confidential information.
If the question cannot be answered at the meeting a written response will be provided after the meeting.
Where an application is returning to the Committee that has been deferred for a site visit, for further information or to consider detailed reasons for refusal, those who spoke under public questions at the previous meeting may not repeat their questions or statements.
6. The Fox and Hounds, Church Road, Ramsden Heath, Billericay - Planning Application 21/00482/FUL
Related information for Item 6
7. Land North-West of Montpelier Villa, Blasford Hill, Little Waltham - Planning Application 20/01907/OUT
Related information for Item 7
8. Chelmer Waterside Access Road, Wharf Road, Chelmsford - Planning Application 21/00024/FUL
Related information for Item 8
9. No. 117 Lady Lane, Chelmsford - Planning Application 21/00316/FUL
Related information for Item 9