Volunteer Talk Ukrainian Optimistic Landscapes Web Featured

Join Lara Bolshakova, a specialist in history from Kyiv and a volunteer gallery assistant at Chelmsford Museum, for her talk about our current gallery wall exhibition - 17 Ukrainian optimistic landscapes by Oleksii Semenenko.

Lara moved to the UK in September 2022 and since that time has been exploring Essex's history and culture. In this talk, she will elaborate how Oleksii's photography has perfectly captured the beauty of Ukrainian nature.

She says:
"Probably every person on our planet already knows about Ukraine and the war that is taking place there, and there are many photographs on military topics that are already very recognizable. But Alex Simon (Oleksiiā€™s pseudonym for his Western fans) shows a completely different Ukraine - peaceful and beautiful with its picturesque mountain landscapes of the Carpathians and Crimea, the Black Sea, the steppes of Sumy and Poltava regions, and even a botanical garden in the centre of the capital. These works can be called the country's tourist business card, proving that Ukraine is not only a war, but also a wonderful place with a lot of beauty around, which must be visited after the victory."

The talk will take place downstairs next to the gallery wall exhibition itself. Due to the restriction of the space, places will be limited. The talk will last approximately 30 minutes.

Find out more about the exhibition.