Planning Application Reference: 23/01787/FUL
Planning Inspector's Reference: APP/W1525/W/24/3345164
Appeal by: Opus Little Waltham Developments Ltd
Site address: Field North of Montpelier Farm, Main Road, Little Waltham

Opus Little Waltham Developments Ltd have appealed against our decision to refuse planning permission for: 

Erection of an integrated retirement community comprising; a village care centre, 58-bedroom care home, 45 care suites (comprising one and two bedrooms), 100 care apartments (comprising one and two bedrooms), wellness spa, open space and associated works including car parking, access, hard and soft landscaping and associated engineering works.

The appellant has requested the inquiry procedure. The inquiry will open at 10am on Tuesday 8 October 2024. It is currently scheduled to sit for no more than seven days, from 8 to 11 October and 15 to 17 October (noting a half day on the Friday).

Following the inquiry, the appointed Planning Inspector will make a decision on the appeal in due course.

We have set up this page to provide easy access to the Core Documents relating to the inquiry. 

You can download an index of all the core documents for this appeal.

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