Planning Application Reference: 23/01487/FUL
Planning Inspector's Reference: APP/W1525/W/24/3341747
Appeal by: D Bibby and Family and Colleagues
Site address: Land South East of Roselawn Farm, Main Road, Broomfield, Chelmsford

The applicant has appealed against our decision to refuse planning permission for:

"Retrospective application for change of use of land to showmen's permanent quarters"

The Planning Inspector will consider the appeal using the public inquiry procedure. The inquiry will open at 10am on Tuesday 15 October 2024 and will resume on subsequent days at 09:30am. It will be an in-person event held in the Council Chamber.  The event is currently programmed to sit until Friday 18 October 2024.

Following the inquiry, the appointed Planning Inspector will make a decision on the appeal in due course.

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